Featured Church Media

Showcasing the best in Christian media, from church PowerPoint templates, to church videos, to church bulletin covers and more.

easter worship songs - header image

Top 10 Easter Worship Songs

Easter worship songs are some of the most familiar and loved songs in the church. Christ’s death and resurrection are something worth singing about. Here is a list of the top 10 worship songs for Easter. We’ve ... Read More...

Lent Church Media Resources

Today (February 22) is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. The season is marked by a time of both self-denial and celebration. As you recognize Lent and look forward to Easter, be sure to check out these valu... Read More...
Forecast for Fall: Lots of Great Stuff

Forecast for Fall: Lots of Great Stuff

If you're a Sharefaith member, you have a lot to look forward to this fall. Here's a brief overview of what's going on in church media, and specifically with Sharefaith. Maximize the value of your Sharefaith me... Read More...