Sharefaith members, now is the time to save thousands of dollars! If you don’t act now, you are going to regret not making use of this amazing offer. You have until December 1st, 2011 to get your free professional church website, and be locked in at $7.99/month hosting fee. After December 1st, hosting will be priced at $19.99/month. Get locked in while you still can!
Good News for Current Sharefaith Website Holders
If you are a current church website holder with a hosting account through our partner, Truepath, or if you get your free church website before December 1st, 2011, you will be locked in at $7.99/month hosting. The $19.99/month hosting price increase, effective December 1st, will not affect you!
Why Is This Free Church Website Offer So Amazing?
Six months ago, Sharefaith embarked on a journey to provide top of the line church and ministry websites absolutely free to all its members. You pick the template/theme you like, and within one hour you can have your church website up and running. With thousands of web graphics and banners, unlimited pages, sub-pages, podcasting, online calendar, online tithing, multi-user editing, photo gallery, audio and video sermon archive, blogging, and much more, you get a stunning, professional church website worth over $1,000, absolutely free. You also receive written and video tutorials to help you quickly and effortlessly set up your site. As if that is not enough, our promotional offer, which only lasts till December 1st, locks you in at $7.99/month hosting.
Why Is This Free Church Website Offer the Best Available Option?
Save your church thousands of dollars a year. Use your church budget wisely. Don’t pay thousands of dollars for an over-rated limited church website and exorbitant hosting fees when you can get your own church website free as part of your Sharefaith membership. Nowhere else can you get 40,000 worship and sermon graphics plus a free website, all for $149. If you are a member, it’s a no-brainer. If you are not, then join now and spread the word.
What Does My $7.99 Hosting Fee Include?
- Unlimited Free Live Support (You speak to a real person.)
- 6GB storage space (you will never run out of space)
- 2,000 email addresses (
- Dedicated Christian Hosting (no commercial/pornographic sites hosted)
If this does not convince you, feel free to contact our friendly support team who can answer any more questions, or visit our site and read all about it.
View FREE Church Websites:
Support: 888-317-4018
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It’s FREE! What are you waiting for!