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How to Help People Worship

How do you make people worship? The short answer is, you can't. It is humanly impossible to make people worship. Regardless of the talent of the musician, the mood of the worship service, the expertise of t... Read More...
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What Is a Church Video Loop?

One of the most versatile and handy tricks in worship videos today is something called the video loop. Here, we explain what a video loop is and how to use it.... Read More...
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Tips for Using Christian Videos

For all the great benefits of using Christian videos, some warnings, tips, and suggestions are in order. It can be easy to be so excited about all these great Christian video loops that you overlook some pote... Read More...
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Is Church Marketing a Bad Word?

Cover your ears. This word could be offensive: CHURCH MARKETING. There. It's out. I've said it. The C.M. word. Church Marketing. For some, the very thought of Church Marketing sets off a jangle of alarm bell... Read More...
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Types of Church Videos

When using church videos, you're faced with a great array of options as to what kind of church videos you can use. We've made it simple for you by featuring here the main types of church videos and explaini... Read More...