Last Updated: November 2016

Every year, Christmas seems to always be “right around the corner.” Right after the turkey settles from Thanksgiving, we have to literally roll into the Christmas season. Now is the time to get together your Christmas sermon ideas and start planning for one of the most important events in the church calendar. Here are some of our best Christmas sermon ideas to get you prepared.

Best Christmas Sermon Ideas

Do Something Different

First, try to think of something different to do this year. Unless your church has its roots deep in some important tradition, you may want to consider doing something that you’ve never done before. If you always have a Christmas cantata, try a Christmas play. The point is not to reinvent Christmas conventions, but rather to engage people’s interest through variety.

christmas sermon ideas - nativity scene 1

Stick to Scripture

Although variety and creativity are important, keep Scripture at the center. The Christmas story is contained in the Bible. Whatever you choose to do, make Scripture part of it. There is power in God’s Words, so don’t neglect it, especially at Christmas.

Tell the Story

Have you ever “preached” by telling a story? The story method of communication is one of the oldest and most powerful. The Christmas narrative lends itself perfectly to this mode of proclamation. Rather than the three-points-and-a-poem sermon outline, perhaps you can retell the Christmas story with conversation, props, dialogue, and the beautiful story of redemption.

christmas sermon ideas - storytelling

Use Visuals

You can easily enhance any sermon or topic with well-designed visuals. As you prepare for your Christmas sermon, be sure to incorporate a range of church media options. Church media for Christmas is a must-have, regardless of your Christmas sermon topic. Here are some links to get you started:

Christmas Sermon PowerPoints
Christmas Church Videos
Christmas Church Bulletins
Christmas Church Worship Backgrounds

christmas sermon ideas - Sharefaith Christmas Graphics

Follow Prophecies

Christ’s birth did not occur as a shocking surprise, pulled out as a sudden idea by God. The prophets told about the coming Messiah centuries before he was born. One of the most engaging ways to tell the Christmas story is to trace these prophecies throughout the Old Testament, leading to the climactic event of Jesus’ birth. Realizing that Jesus’ incarnation was foretold long in advance heighten’s our awe and wonder at his sacrifice.

Explain the Incarnation

“Incarnation” can be an opaque or intimidating term. Nonetheless, the incarnation is what Christmas is all about. By explaining the term and its significance, you can highlight the absolute necessity of Christ’s coming as a man — in flesh.

christmas sermon ideas - Nativity scene

Preach the Gospel

The gospel is at the center of the Christmas story. More than likely, when you preach during the Christmas season, there will be unsaved people who are listening. Tell them the good news — the story of Redemption and Hope. Tell them about Jesus’ birth and death. Tell about his birth and his resurrection. Tell them about Christ’s holiness and their sinfulness. Tell them about the glorious salvation that can be theirs in Christ. That’s the best Christmas sermon idea of all.

christmas sermon ideas - reading scripture

About The Author

Daniel Threlfall has been writing church ministry articles for more than 10 years. With his background and training (M.A., M.Div.), Daniel is passionate about inspiring pastors and volunteers in their service to the King. Daniel is devoted to his family, nerdy about SEO, and drinks coffee with no cream or sugar. Learn more about Daniel at his blog and twitter.

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