Every holiday has a certain ‘feel.’ Easter is no different. Usually, it has a feeling of new birth, a fresh start, and new beginnings. It’s about hope, joy, and anticipation. Because it coincides with spring, the excitement of warmer weather, new blossoms, green grass, and even spring break tend to permeate the atmosphere.


This is not a bad thing at all. However, what we sometimes forget is that Easter begins at the cross. There was nothing new, fresh or hopeful about the cross. It was a dark time. It was about death, terror, pain, and suffering. It was about God turning his back on his Son. It was about all the sin of all the world being carried by one man–Jesus. It was about intense physical suffering, unjust abuse, awful betrayal, and a horrific torturous death.

But Easter begins at the cross. It is at the cross that man receives forgiveness. Jesus died in our place. He died for our sins. He died so that we might live. That’s the meaning behind Easter. Easter begins at the cross. The joy begins with suffering. The forgiveness begins with pain.

As you seek to impact your people with these truths, keep in mind that Easter begins at the cross. In order to more clearly proclaim these truths, view our Good Friday Jesus Crucifixion PowerPoints. These striking PowerPoint sermon enhancements display images relevant for a Good Friday or Passion Week sermon series. Click here.

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