Continuing in our series on VBS programs, we come to the second-most popular program–Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace. The biblical account of Joseph is well-known and powerful. The truths from Joseph’s life are relevant for everyone today–from 4-year-olds up. This program puts those truths to work in individual lives, and ties it into an exciting theme.

Title: Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace

Publisher: Group Publishing. Group is a publishing house and ministry organization that produces a wide variety of resources for Christian organizations–from children’s ministry to Christian conference materials.

On each of the five days, the program focuses on a “Bible Point” and a “Bible Verse.” Here is how the program progresses…

Day 1

  • Bible Point: God gives us hope.
  • Bible Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you…to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Day 2

  • Bible Point: God gives us special abilities.
  • Bible Verse: God has given us different gifts.” (Romans 12:6)

Day 3

  • Bible Point: God gives us wisdom.
  • Bible Verse: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God.” (James 1:5)=

Day 4

  • Bible Point: God gives us forgiveness.
  • Bible Verse: “But you are a God of forgiveness.” (Nehemiah 9:17)

Day 5

  • Bible Point: God gives us a family
  • Bible Verse: “For you are all children of God.” (Galatians 3:26)

Ancient Egypt. The idea behind the decoration is to create the look and feel of an ancient Egyptian village and ancient Egyptian culture. This theme is reflected in the whole flow of the program, from start to finish.


  • Each day contains four segments of activity. “Family time” uses a creative object lesson to illustrate the relevant biblical truth for the day. “Joseph’s Journey” is the time for the story from the life of Joseph. “Pyramid Playground” gives kids a fun activity with an Egyptian flair. The “Marketplace” is the time set aside for children to make a craft.
  • One of the major features of the program is “Marketplace.” This involves creating an Egyptian-style market, and setting up stations where kids can get involved in various activities—face painting, brick making, jewelry making, and Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  • A selection of familiar songs are suggested for the program, including original theme songs with an Egyptian sound.
  • Individual age-graded groups are called “families” according to the curriculum. These small-group units form the core of the program.


  • Group offers a “VBS U” program that gets people involved in VBS parties to learn and explore the ins and outs of a VBS program. These are held periodically around the country, and cost $15 per person.
  • Planning a VBS program is probably the most challenging part. Pulling it off the week of VBS is a cinch as long as planning has been properly conducted. Group’s “planning calendar” is a big advantage when it comes to the director’s monumental role. They provide an agenda for each month (up to six months prior) leading up to VBS. Follow this schedule, and your VBS program should run smoothly.


  • The theme—recreating an Egyptian village—may be a bit challenging. Since it is not immediately familiar to most people, finding decorations, costumes, and incorporating details may be challenging.
  • A combined advantage/disadvantage is the variety of resources that Group offers to accompany the VBS theme. A church can purchase board games, teaching kits, Egyptian necklaces, “family belts,” or any variety of the hundreds of available options. However, these items are rather expensive, and may be a burden to a church with limited financial resources.


  • The starter kit costs $74.99. It contains a lot of resources for the director, a sampler of student handouts, theme memorabilia, a music CD, and many other valuable helps. This gives the director an overview of the program, and helps him or her determine what the church needs to purchase.
  • Additional materials and supplied must be ordered according to the needs of the church and will vary from ministry to ministry.
  • Click here to order.


For more VBS curriculum packages please visit: Christian Ed Warehouse

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