Before we dive into our top 5 animated Easter Bible stories for kids, it’s good to remind ourselves of some basic facts. Today’s children are growing up in a world unimaginable just a few years ago. Smartphones and the internet are prolific. While the emergence of on-demand video has placed a wealth of entertainment and information at every child’s fingertips.
While the debate about how much screen time is still as relevant as ever, there is no going back. When it comes to digital content (like video), the genie is out of the bottle so to speak. Thus, one of the best things we can do as ministry leaders is to recognize the trends emerging around us and do our best to use them as tools to spread the Good News of Jesus.
A final caveat as we get started. The Good News is always more important than the means by which we share it. Technology will continue to change, and as of today, video is one of the very best resources we have to engage children with the life-changing message of the Gospel.
Top 5 Animated Easter Bible Stories for Kids
The Triumphal Entry
This animated Easter Bible story brings to life Luke 19:28-44. There, we read that Jesus instructed two of His disciples to go to the village where, just inside the gates, they would find a colt that no one had ever ridden before. He told them to bring that colt to Him, and if anyone asked them why they were taking the donkey, they were to say that the Lord needed it. When they returned to Jesus with the colt, they placed their cloaks on its back before setting Jesus atop the animal.
As they arrived outside of the Mount of Olives, people came out to greet Jesus, and they laid their cloaks and palm branches on the road, and the disciples began to praise the Lord, loudly proclaiming, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some Pharisees had come to see the spectacle, and the praise the people were giving Jesus made them angry. They asked Jesus to make the people stop, and Jesus replied, “If they were silent, the stones would cry out.”
Additional Triumphal Entry Bible Lesson Resources
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Matthew 26:1-56 provides the foundation of this animated Easter Bible story. Jesus, betrayed by one of His disciples, is arrested and tried before the religious leaders. Based on testimony of false witnesses, the religious leaders ruled to have Jesus killed. They delivered Jesus to the Roman governor, Pilate. In response to the requests of the Jewish people, Pilate ordered Jesus to be whipped and crucified.
Beaten and bloodied, Jesus carried His cross to Golgotha, where His hands and feet were nailed to the cross and then lifted upright between two thieves. While hanging on the cross, the Roman soldiers and the religious leaders mocked Him. When Jesus died, the earth shook, rocks were split, tombs were opened, and the veil in the temple was torn in two. Those who were with Jesus after his death and witnessed these things were filled with awe and knew that He truly was the Son of God.
Additional Crucifixion Bible Lesson Resources
He Is Risen
Matthew 27:22–56; 28: 1–6 is an amazing passage of scripture. This is the animated Easter Bible story about how Jesus suffered, died, and rose again from the dead. It is the story of the intense love of God demonstrated in the greatest sacrifice of all time. Jesus was betrayed, beaten, mocked, stripped of His clothing, humiliated, blasphemed, and disrespected. A crown of thorns was pressed onto His head, an angry crowd taunted Him, He was hung on a cross, and worst of all, He was separated from His Father in Heaven.
Then He died, and it was finished! At that moment, the veil in the temple tore in half from top to bottom. It was God’s announcement that the world, once separated from His holiness, could once again enjoy sweet fellowship with Him. Through Jesus sins would be forgiven, emotional and physical wounds would be healed, and our relationship with God would be restored. Every man, woman, and child who accepts the sacrifice that Jesus made on their behalf will be saved.
Additional He Is Risen Bible Lesson Resources
The Empty Tomb
This John 19:38-20:23 animated Easter Bible video will be a hit with your children! After Jesus died on the cross, two men, John of Arimathea and Nicodemus, went to Pontius Pilate to ask him for permission to remove Jesus’ body so they could give Him a proper burial. They took Jesus’ body, wrapped it in strips of linen with burial spices, and placed it in a tomb cut out of the rock. As they left, they rolled an enormous stone in front of the entrance to seal it.
After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb with spices and perfumes to complete the Jewish burial customs, but when she arrived, she saw that the stone had been rolled away, and the tomb was empty. She ran to find the disciples Peter and John to tell them what she had seen. Disturbed by Mary’s news, Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the strips of linen that had been wrapped around his body lay in a pile, and next to it was the cloth that covered his face, neatly folded.
Additional Empty Tomb Bible Lesson Resources
The Resurrection of Christ
Drawing Matthew 27:57–28:15 this animated Easter Bible story brings to life the greatest event in human history! After Jesus was crucified and died, Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple, wrapped Jesus’ body in a shroud and placed Him in a cave-like tomb, which was sealed by a large stone. Roman guards were placed at the entrance of the tomb to ensure that none of Jesus’ disciples removed His body. The morning of the third day after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene and Mary were walking to Jesus’ tomb, when a great earthquake shook the ground beneath them.
This earthquake was an angel who had descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from the entrance of Jesus’ tomb. The angel’s appearance was so amazing and fearsome that the guards “became like dead men.” The angel told the women that Jesus was not in the tomb, but that He had risen. He told them to go tell the disciples what they had seen and heard and that Jesus would meet them all in Galilee. As they rushed back to tell the disciples the news, Jesus appeared, and the two women fell to His feet and worshiped Him
Additional Resurrection of Christ Bible Lesson Resources