You have the amazing opportunity and a window of time where you can reveal the power of God’s Word and impact tender little lives. Choosing a curriculum that maximizes the time you have with the kids and effectively lays the solid foundation of truth is crucial! You should regularly revisit and refine your teaching materials to ensure they are truly “making the most of every opportunity”, as Paul teaches in Ephesians 5:16. Here are a couple of questions to ask when reviewing the effectiveness of your curriculum:
Does it teach the Gospel?
It sounds simple, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Bible stories presented that completely overlooks rich and vital references to the Gospel. God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ is woven throughout all of scripture. Please don’t miss that!
Does it produce enthusiasm for God’s Word?
The actual root meaning of the word “enthusiasm” is “entheos” which translates “full of God, inspired; possessed”. So the question remains, does your Sunday school curriculum give enough details about the character of God to inspire children and leave them hungry for more? If your Sunday school program is as dry as toast, it may just be that the power of God is somehow misrepresented or left out entirely.
Does it help discern true worship from idolatry?
To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength is the great commandment. Is it understood that every affection and desire for anything that competes with the commandment of God is idolatry? Is God being truthfully represented in what you teach, or are they being left to create an image of Him in their own imagination—an idol.
Does it help prepare for battle against a spiritual enemy?
You might have these kids for a couple of years or more. Does the Sunday school / children’s church curriculum you use take the time to prepare for battle and present the proper tools to stand? The enemy roams the earth seeking whom he can devour. He is working overtime to dispense confusion wherever he goes. It is important to point out the weapons of warfare in scripture and show the proper disciplines to keep in shape spiritually. Make the children aware of the enemy’s schemes and provide as much truth as possible so that they will be able to discern the truth from a lie.
As always, approach the subject in prayer and in the light of God’s Word. God is faithful to provide you with the wisdom to rightly divide the word of truth in order to effectively feed His little lambs.
SharefaithKids is a God-centered, Gospel-focused Sunday school curriculum that has an easy learning curve for teachers & volunteers, and is a blast for the kids! With 52 weeks of web-based content like professionally narrated videos, printable activities and color-ins, your packed with things to do! Try a free demo and get three full lessons. Or signup for only $41/m billed annually and get your Sunday school curriculum, 60,000 church graphics & templates and free worship software! Signup today