Sunday School is not a babysitting service. If your church is struggling with finding kids Bible lessons or having a hard time knowing exactly how to be more impactful, then follow these 5 simple ideas to a more effective Sunday School Curriculum.
1. Extend the topical coverage over 1 month, instead of 1 day: You know the stories and events of the Bible because of repetition. From a young age you have been introduced to it, and since then you have read it multiple times. Studying Noah or David and Goliath for one hour on one Sunday will not leave a lasting impact with your Sunday School kids. Instead, focus on one topic for an entire month. SharefaithKids makes this very easy by giving you multiple study materials as well as activities and games covering more than one month per lesson. If, for example, you focus on David, then focus one week on his character, the next week on his sin, the next week on his bravery and finish off by focusing on his leadership. Though big topics, you can simplify it with great application. By the end of the month, your kids will truly know David!
2. Repetition is good, not boring. You don’t think reading the Bible repeatedly is boring, right? Why would you think exposing your kids to Bible stories and accounts repeatedly will be boring? It’s all about presentation and application. If in the first year they are introduced to David & Goliath in a basic form, then you can take it up a notch in the second year. Imagine after five years of learning about David & Goliath what a beautiful understanding your kids will have. Every year the activities, application and memory verse are different. It’s a fresh dose of inspiration with each lesson every year!
3. Focus on God’s Word, not on social behavior. Your kids get enough social behavior “guidance” in school and from media. The Sunday School classroom is not the place to teach anti-bullying, gender-equality and self-confidence. It’s a place to find meaning, truth and understanding in the Creator. It’s a place to bring the child in closer communion with Jesus. To explain to them their part in God’s bigger plan – their inheritance as a child of The King. Sunday School is already so short, and kids’ attention spans are so small. Take what time you can, and focus on God and Scripture.
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4. Build expectation through repetition: Children love surprises, but they respect consistency. Knowing what to expect builds anticipation. Cleverly structuring your class so there is a clear buildup to a finale makes every class exciting. For example, if your kids already know that the first five minutes are all about story-time, the second part is fun-time, the third-part is Scripture, then prayer, then application and a huge triumphant ending with a super fun activity, they’ll feel much more comfortable in sharing and participating. Parents may say the kids are too wound-up by the time they collect them after the service, but you’ll know that the kiddos loved every part of it. They’ll look forward to next time!
5. Involve the parents: We’ve seen it all before. Parents dropping their kids off at church for Sunday School, while they themselves never attend church. Even parents attending seldom have any clue as to what’s going on in Sunday School. Personally, I don’t like that. I want to know what my kids are taught, and who they have as a teacher. I would like to continue the theme they learned on Sunday throughout the week. A good way to do that is if there were more transparency from the Sunday School department and teachers. A great idea is to have a parent-night or potluck after church where parents are introduced to the curriculum, lesson content, and get to meet the teachers. Next Sunday, you’ll know exactly what lesson your kid will be taught, and you get to further extend the application throughout the week through your own Bible study and family time.
SharefaithKids, the first 52-week cloud-based Sunday School curriculum, makes all the above so easy. It is a well-thought-out curriculum with far reaching positive effects. With the upcoming Version 2 of SharefaithKids, parents will be able to easily use their mobile device to pair with their church’s Sunday School lessons and know exactly who teaches and what they teach, with some great parent suggestions for continuing the application throughout the week. Try it free today!