A while back, we talked about using Church Loops Before the Service. However, using church loops before the service is only a small part of how you can use church loops to transform your worship and church service. There are plenty of ways to use church loops during and after the service as well. With an unbelievably large collection of church loops, it’s not hard. Find out how.
Use church loops as worship backgrounds for song lyrics.
This is probably the most obvious use of church loops during the worship service. In fact, this is what most of our 17,000+ members use church loops for. Using church loops as the background for worship lyrics is a powerful enhancement. Worship background videos add variety and interest to an otherwise bland way of presenting worship lyrics. You probably don’t need any persuading on this point, but in case you’re interested, check out the article, “How Worship Videos Enhance a Worship Service.”
Get in on the worship loop action by checking out Sharefaith’s worship loop library.
Use church loops to display the Scripture.
Displaying Scripture passages during the service is another way to unleash the power of media, using it to help your people. During your Scripture reading time, or during the message, display the passage using a worship loop. For example, as you celebrate Easter, you may be preaching from a resurrection passage such as Matthew 27:1-10. As you do, you can display the text of the passage on a worship loop, such as this Easter Video Loop. You’ll be amazed at the top-notch aesthetic quality of presenting Scripture readings from now on.
Use church loops to enhance a PowerPoint sermon template.
PowerPoint sermons are great. I use PowerPoints to present information when I teach and preach. However, there’s something known as Death by PowerPoint. According to Wikipedia, “Death by PowerPoint is a criticism of slide-based presentations referring to a state of boredom and fatigue induced by information overload during presentations such as those created by the Microsoft application PowerPoint.” How do you avoid this? Inject a church loop into the presentation now and then. Adding a video loop to a PowerPoint sermon is just as easy as adding a graphic or text box. You could use a motion background to display a major heading, introduce a transition, discuss an illustration, or provide application. If you forget everything else in this article, remember this point. Use church loops to spice up that PowerPoint sermon. Oh, and since most of our media comes in sets, you can probably find a worship loop that matches your PowerPoint template. Boy, we sure do make it easy for you!
Check out some great church loops.
Use church loops after the service.
Finally, you can use church videos after the service is over. Use any of the worship backgrounds you used for the service or worship lyrics to display a “farewell” or benediction. Or, you can return to your pre-service video reel to roll the announcements or Scripture, back onto the screen
Use Mini Movies for special events
In addition to the typical ways of using church loops during a service, there is also the occasional church clip that you can show, such as a sermon video illustration or other Christian video clip. The Sermon Video library from Sharefaith provides a collection of these videos. Some of the videos work fine without sound, meaning that they are appropriate for pre-service or post-service reels. Others, such as the music videos and videos with speaking, are best used during an actual service event.
Here’s a sample of a Sermon Video. For more Christian mini movies, check out the Sermon Video page.
Maybe that will get you started on adding church loops during and after the service. There are plenty of other options. Feel free to share what’s worked (or not worked) for you.
A Sharefaith membership will take care of all your media needs. Seriously.