The battle between guitar players and sound techs has been raging for years. Guitar players want to turn their amps up to eleven and sound techs are t... Read More...
Have you ever found the absolute perfect PowerPoint graphic for your upcoming sermon, only to wish the text or scripture was in another language? With... Read More...
Too often do churches have only one individual who updates and manages their entire church website. This creates major stress for that individual to n... Read More...
Want to split your church this Sunday? Here’s a really easy way to do it: switch worship music styles! Bam! Just like that you’ll have a dugout-cleari... Read More...
If you've been wanting to broadcast your sermons on YouTube, here's how to get started. If you have a digital video recorder, you're just a few steps ... Read More...
If you know anything about Sharefaith, you know that we're passionate about helping churches to proclaim the gospel effectively, and to magnify th... Read More...