Want to discover a secret weapon in promoting your Easter service? It’s your church website. Easter Sunday is one of the most important church services of the entire year. Spreading the word, inviting guests, and making this Easter service meaningful is crucial to your task of spreading the Gospel. Here are nine Easter website tips to help prep your church website for the most important service of the year.

Easter Church Website Tips (Including an Online Easter Giving Challenge)


1. Update your homepage design to promote your Easter service

The first thing that people look at when they check out your Easter church website is your graphics, particularly the featured hero graphics or sliders on the home page. These are important for promoting your most significant information.


Easter website tips laptop



Be sure to use attention-grabbing Easter church website graphics when you make designs to promote your service. You can quickly and easily bring Easter backgrounds and banner images from Sharefaith’s media library into your church website and customize them with your message and branding. The pure visual power of these graphics will remind website visitors about your service, as well as emphasize its importance in the life of the church. You could also update the color scheme to give it an Easter church website theme. Lastly, don’t forget to add your Easter service and event information, such as where and when people will be able to attend.


2. Create an Easter-specific landing page

In addition to adding content on your homepage, it’s also recommended to make an Easter church website page that is all about your church’s Easter service. Simply create a new page in your website editor, and then add it to your main navigation bar.

This page is all about Easter service, only! It’s the perfect place to put all the details. Here are some must-have elements for this page:

– Directions to your church (a Google Map would be an excellent idea).

– Church service time(s).

– What to expect in the service.

– Decorate the page with a photo gallery from last year’s service to show what a blast it was.

– Any information about the theme, title, or type of service.

– Information regarding children – (e.g. Will they be included in the main service or will they have their own class?)

This page can be incredibly important, as we’ll discuss in the points below.





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3. Host an Easter giving challenge on your website

Seize the opportunity to sponsor another Christian ministry or foundation with your Easter service and host an Easter giving challenge for service attendees to raise funds or fill another need. This could be an online Easter giving challenge that you promote on your church website and/or social media, or it could even be a donation-based challenge with food or gifts. An example could be inviting the community to bring canned or non-perishable food that can then be donated to a local food bank or relief organization. Another idea could be setting aside a special offering for another ministry or even saying that all offerings from your Easter service will go towards another ministry or foundation that you wish to sponsor. You can easily create a fund and giving form for this in Sharefaith Giving and embed it onto your website. This is a great way to have fun, establish connections with other Christian organizations in your community, and allow your congregation to take part in something bigger, together.




4. Blog about your Easter service

The more content you have on your Easter service, the better. Creating information and content about your service will increase the likelihood that new people will find it on the web, and visit your service. Start now, and blog consistently up until the event. Write about Easter, and share how God is already using it in your heart, and discuss its importance for the community. Doing so will emphasize the importance of the service, as well as raise anticipation and publicity. If you don’t yet have a blog, now’s the perfect time to add one to your Sharefaith Church Website, it’s easy-peasy.


5. Social media promotions

Using your social media channels, you can create posts and ads that direct visitors to your Easter landing page or blog posts on your church website. Engage your social media followers with visuals that catch attention and provide a snippet that gives basic information with the chance to go to your church website and learn more from there. Use Sharefaith Designer to easily create and share social media graphics that will engage your followers. Make sure to provide clear calls to action from your posts, with links to learn more, sign up for events, or even just encourage others to share and tag others in your posts to increase reach and engagement.


6. Use a QR code in your printed materials to drive visitors to your Easter church website landing page

A QR code is “a code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs and read by the camera on a smartphone.” You’ve seen these before, and may have even scanned one. You can make your own QR code that links to your Easter church website landing page for events and information.

This QR code took me about five seconds to create, using QRstuff.com  You can place the QR code on your weekly newsletter, door hangers, bulletin covers, flyers, or whatever physical materials you use to announce your Easter service.


7. Build Excitement – Post a promotional Easter video

Videos are an excellent form of content that can provide encouragement and increase attendance at your service. Try creating a quick video about your Easter service. Even a video taken with your phone will do the trick. Interview people, discuss your service, and share some info on what it’s all about. Place this video on your Easter landing page. We’ve even got a few Easter videos to get you inspired.


8. Easter event registration form(s)

If you’re hosting an event or community outreach, such as an Easter Egg Hunt, you should include a registration form that will allow your Easter church website visitors to sign up or RSVP. Place a form on your Easter landing page and Events page so that it can be easily found and filled out. You can create a registration form on your church website with the built-in form builder or even with your Sharefaith Giving event forms to offer free and paid event registration.


9. Finally – Don’t forget to update your website after Easter

With all the output of great content, videos, promos, and announcements about Easter, don’t forget to put your website back into order when Easter has come and gone. We’ve harped on this theme before, but a website that doesn’t get updated doesn’t look very professional or competent. The day after Easter, get to work replacing your Easter promotion, pages, headers, and videos with whatever’s next on the agenda.


Next Steps

Sharefaith offers solutions for churches of every size. If you’re looking to put together the ultimate Easter church website and make your Easter service a memorable one for your visitors, look no further. And right now, you can save 25% off any annual Sharefaith membership during Sharefaith’s Easter Sale. Pick your plan and get started today!


Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2018 and has been completely updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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