If you’re a church newsletter kind of church, I’ve got a question for you. Do you have a Christian newsletter? I’m not talking about simply adding great Christian articles to your church newsletter. What I mean is this. Does your church newsletter have a Christian theme to it? Church newsletters are great, but having a church newsletter with a Christian design theme is even better. Let me explain.

Do You Have a Christian Newsletter?

Since church newsletters are a fixture in most churches, it’s important that churches have Christian newsletters. It’s one thing to pop open your favorite MS Word template and create away. It’s quite another thing to carefully select a professionally-designed Christian newsletter template and reinforce your message in that way.

Today, design of anything is important—PowerPoints, worship videos, church bulletin covers, and…of course….church newsletters. Obviously, the content of your church newsletter is an extremely important feature, but the church newsletter design is just as important. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so important to have a Christian newsletter theme. You’re Christian newsletter design will communicate just as effectively (if not more so) than the content itself.

So, here’s the suggestion. Before you get started on the next publication of your Christian newsletter, make it a real Christian newsletter—visual design theme and all. Here are a few suggestions of great Christian newsletters that you can use for your church newsletter template.

The above newsletter displays Communion scenes, which is a distinctly Christian newsletter theme.

Christian newsletters can express themselves through themes like adoption, or child-rearing.

This great Christian newsletter features the picture of an ancient cross.

Here again, the cross image is emblazoned on the Christian newsletter, giving it a powerful message.

It should be obvious that a Christian newsletter is important, especially considering the audience of your newsletter—Christians. Don’t let your church newsletter templates get bogged down in mediocrity. Better church newsletter templates await you. Get started now.