Whenever you add or edit existing and new content, you will make use of the website editing toolbar. In this tutorial, we will provide an overview of the different tools and each of their functions.
Upload/Insert functions:
Polaroid Photo Icon: Add a new photo or image.
Video Icon: Add a new video.
Music Note: Add a new audio sermon or music file.
Star Splash Icon: Add any type of media file to your website.
Text Formatting functions:
“B” icon: Bold any text you type.
“I“ icon: Italicize any text you type.
ABC strikeout: Place a red strikeout on any text.
Ordered/Unordered List functions:
Bulletin list icon: List text in bullets.
Number list icon: List text in ordered numbers.
Quote Icon: Format a block quote on selected text.
Paragraph Formatting functions:
Left, Center and Right alignment of paragraph text. We recommend that you keep text left-aligned.
Hyperlink Functionality:
Link Icon: Highlight your text and turn it into a hyperlink by clicking this icon.
Link Removal: Remove a link from any text. Highlight the linked text and click the “unlink” icon.
More Tag Icon: To prevent an entire post or article from showing up on your homepage, use the “More Tag” by dividing your content so that only the top part (above the inserted “more” line) is showing. Users will have to click, “Read More” to read to full article or post.
Spell Checker/Full Screen functions:
ABC icon: Toggle the spell-checker. Switch the realtime spell-check on or off. We recommend keeping it on.
Screen Box icon: Switch between normal or full-screen mode for editing.
Dotted boxes icon: Show or hide the toolbar functions.
Paragraph Formatting functions:
Paragraph icon: Select the formatting for your paragraph text, or choose sizes for your different text headings and titles.
Underlined “U” icon: Underline any text.
Justify icon: Justify any highlighted text.
“A” color icon: Change the color of any highlighted text. We recommend using just one font color on your website. The more colors, the more cluttered and unprofessional your site will look.
Text Input functions:
You don’t have to write your content inside your control panel. You can also write your text in MS Word or a plain text editor, and then copy and paste your content into your website page using these icons. If you write your content in MS Word or any other text editor, you have to use these icons to paste your text. If you paste the text without using these buttons, the formatting will break.
Clipboard “T” icon: Copy and paste text written in Notepad or any other text editing program.
Clipboard MS Word icon (“W”): Copy and paste text that was written in MS Word.
Eraser Icon: Remove formatting from all highlighted text.
Omega icon: Insert a custom character that may not appear on your keyboard.
Indentation/ Undo/Redo and Help functions:
Indent left icon: Indent selected text to the left.
Indent right icon: Indent selected text to the right.
Left Arrow icon: Undo command or move.
Right Arrow icon: Redo command or move.
Question Mark icon: Learn about Rich Editing shortcuts.