5 Steps to Improve Your Worship Leading

5 Steps to Improve Your Worship Leading

There is a delicate balance between keeping and maintaining the things that are working, releasing the things that no longer connect with your congregation, and introducing new worship actions that broaden your... Read More...
10 Ways to Encourage Spirit Filled Worship

10 Ways to Encourage Spirit Filled Worship

If you want to start a “spirited” discussion amongst Christians, ask them to define/describe Spirit filled worship. For some it is found in the passionate, energetic expressions of worship that bring the faithf... Read More...
10 Mistakes All Worship Leaders Make

10 Mistakes All Worship Leaders Make

If you are a worship leader there is only one thing can you be certain of: at some point you will make a mistake, or two, or a dozen! Here are some of my best and worst mistakes. My hope is that you will find a... Read More...
Does Leading Worship Demand Holiness?

Does Leading Worship Demand Holiness?

It's intriguing to ponder the role of holiness, or our perception thereof, as it plays in worship leading. Considering the fact that many churches employ players and singers who come from largely secular music ... Read More...