Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so here’s a friendly reminder to start thinking about how to bless and honor the moms in your life this year. We wouldn’t be who we are today if it weren’t for our mothers, whether they’re our biological, adopted, foster, grandma, or church moms. God created mothers with a special knack for nurturing, they’re selfless, and they deserve some over-the-top appreciation, especially on Mother’s Day.
We love mothers! So, we wanted to give you some ideas about how you can make Mom feel special this year. Here are 10 ways to bless Mom this Mother’s Day.
1. Get creative with Scripture.
Find a special Bible verse that stands out that will esteem your mother or the mother of your children. Consider painting or typing them out on beautiful cardstock and framing it. Or create a custom coffee mug with your favorite verse for her. If you need some ideas on encouraging Bible verses for mothers, click here.
2. Photo Collage
Mothers always love photos, especially ones that stir up great memories. Make a coffee cup with a photo collage or have a throw blanket customized with family photos. She’ll enjoy the thoughtful gift and smile when she sees the pictures.
3. Breakfast in bed
Don’t forget about the classic breakfast in bed idea. Mom is always busy taking care of everybody else, including cooking and preparing meals. Why not let her sleep in and enjoy some home cooked breakfast without even having to leave her bed? Plus, you’ll have fun in the kitchen, especially if you get the kids involved.
4. Spa day
Moms love being pampered. Give her a day at the spa, even if it’s just at home. You can get her a gift card to a local day spa or gift her with some bubble bath, a foot soak, a new bathrobe, and some nail polish. Then let her have the day to enjoy it all. Maybe even throw in a special Mother’s Day foot massage.
5. Homemade cards and gifts from the kids
It’s always special for mothers to receive thoughtful, handmade gifts from their children. Encourage the kids to get crafty and create something for mom from their heart. It could be a sweet card, a handprint craft, or something she could frame. If you need some craft ideas, click here.
6. Make dinner or dine out
One thing that would bless mom is if she didn’t have to worry about dinner on Mother’s Day. Make her favorite meal at home, add some candlelight and flowers, and serve her. Or take her out to her favorite restaurant.
7. Let her take a nap
Momming is exhausting, no matter what age the kids are. Give her a break and set aside some time for her to indulge in an uninterrupted nap. It sounds rather simple, but she’ll love it!
8. Words of affirmation
Take some time to convey how much your mom means to you. And/or have the kids share positive words about mommy. Share these words of affirmation verbally, or create a cute DIY gift with written statements she can read throughout the year.
9. Let her take some time to herself
As much as mom cherishes her time with her kids and spouse, sometimes she really just needs some alone time. Consider sending her off for the day (or at least a couple hours) with no kids, no chores, and no obligations except to do whatever it is that she wants to do. Maybe even get her a gift card for her to spend on herself, otherwise she still might take this time to do or get things for the family.
10. Bring mom to church
Many mothers love to spend the holiday at church with their family. Take her to church (or watch online together) so she can be celebrated and honored while spending time in God’s presence with His people.
Whatever you decide to do for Mother’s Day, be sure to share how much you appreciate all your mom (or your kids’ mom) has done to help raise good humans in this crazy world. Say “I love you,” and say, “Thank you.” She deserves it.
Mother’s Day Church Graphics
Need some help with graphics for Mother’s Day at your church? ShareFaith has got you covered. Check out ShareFaith Media graphics for Mother’s Day!