Proverbs 31 describes a virtuous woman. A woman who is so incredibly perfect, she does it all. She loves, prepares, equips, works, considers, opens, makes, and many other things that make my mama-heart overwhelmed. As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself analyzing my mothering abilities only to come up short. When I compare my abilities with that of the virtuous woman, I fail every time.
The beauty, however, of this Proverbs 31 woman is that she doesn’t do all these things alone. She does them with the strength and joy of the Lord. Without Him, she couldn’t accomplish any of these virtuous things. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is God-breathed …” and if God inspired all of scripture, He also inspired the virtuous woman. After all, Luke 1:27 says “For nothing will be impossible with God.”
As a mom to a daughter, I want my daughter to know how to rely on God as she embarks on each of these characteristics in the Proverb’s 31 woman. I don’t want her to feel like a failure, but rather feel empowered with God’s strength to walk out these verses well. Since Mother’s Day is right around the corner, I have written a few truths to speak and pray over her from these verses in Proverbs 31. My prayer is that if you are a mother of daughters, you take these truths and speak them over your daughter not only on Mother’s Day but every day as they grow up to become their own virtuous woman.
Truth 1: “She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.” Proverbs 31:13
A virtuous woman uses her time wisely. She is willing to help and serve whenever needed. She doesn’t consider her time her own but pours out her time for the sake of others.
Lord, give my daughter strength so she knows she can do anything through you. Open her eyes to see the needs of others around. Give her a willing heart and willing hands to meet those needs. Allow your love to overflow in her heart so that everyone she serves sees your goodness and compassion, not that of a feeble human.
Truth 2: “She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.” Proverbs 31:16
A virtuous woman is always learning and gaining wisdom. She uses that wisdom every day as she encounters decisions. With each decision, she considers its future impact. Not only does she make decisions, but she also dedicates herself to make sure each decision is fruitful with hard work.
Lord, allow my daughter to find joy in learning. Give her wisdom and understanding when it comes to scripture. Open her eyes to see Your plan as she prepares to make any decision you place in front of her. Give her Your vision before and after she makes those decisions. Strengthen her heart and hands for each task so that she can utilize her time and resources wisely.
Truth 3: “She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.” Proverbs 31:14
A virtuous woman is confident and assured. She knows her strength is in the Lord. Using scripture, she meditates on God’s truth so that the world’s opinions and ways do not make her second guess God’s heart. She does not allow herself to go idle but is constantly moving and improving herself so that she stays strong for the sake of her family, friends, and those around her.
Lord, create confidence in my daughter’s heart through Your Holy Word. May the truths in Your scripture open her eyes that true beauty is only found in You. Protect her from the world’s temptations to become someone she is not. Show her what it means to a strong, loving, and compassionate woman. Give her consistent strength to keep loving and serving others for the sake of Your Gospel. Continually put people in her path that point her to the truths in Your Word so that she stays confident and assured in You alone.
Truth 4: “She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.” Proverbs 31:20
A virtuous woman is loving and compassionate. She has a tender heart that sees the good in everyone and has faith in God that He will provide all she needs to help others. She is not afraid of anyone, because God is her protector and strength. She uses her wisdom to serve the multitudes.
Lord, cultivate a servant’s heart in my daughter. Open her eyes to see the needs of those around her. Give her the provisions, compassion, and strength required to serve anyone she sees in need. Increase her wisdom so she can think of creative ways to meet the needs of others so they may have an opportunity to see you and your love.
Truth 5: “She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant.” Proverbs 31:24
A virtuous woman is creative and works hard. She’s ambitious and takes good care of all the things she makes. She is savvy with money and finds different ways to provide for her family.
Lord, teach my daughter your ways. Create in her specific skills that will glorify Your name. Give her creativity to think outside of the box and confidence to do whatever You call her to do.
Truth 6: “Strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come.” Proverbs 31:25
A virtuous woman is secure in who she is in the Lord. She is distinguished from those around her because of her love for God. Nothing the world throws at her makes her waver. Having confidence, she does not worry about the future for she knows the Lord has a plan that is good.
Lord, set apart my daughter for Your work. Create in her a heart full confidence in Your ways. Strengthen her faith in You so she is distinguished from the world. Protect her from the enemy’s taunts so that she does not conform to the patterns of this world. Give her Your joy so that she will trust Your plan for her future.
Truth 7: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
A virtuous woman finds her worth in God. She understands that outward beauty is arrogant and useless. A woman who resembles a Proverbs 31 woman does not worry about her looks but fears the Lord instead. Fearing the Lord is her main objective. Through fearing the Lord, she cultivates compassion, love, and service for others.
Lord, increase my daughter’s love for You. Teach her about Your beauty and the wonderful things in Your law. Reveal to her Your compassion and instill that same compassion in her heart. Keep her from the enemy’s temptation to think outward looks are more important than inward beauty. Encourage her to continue studying and meditating on Your Word so she fears you more than the world. May her heart always praise You during good times and bad times.
Next Steps
Hopefully, these 7 truths from Proverbs 31 have encouraged you and given you ways to encourage your daughter(s) this Mother’s Day. Whether your daughter is an adult or whether she just turned two, meditating on these scriptures and truths creates confidence in the Lord.
If you desire to go deeper in your walk with the Lord, check out our list of Top 100 Best-Selling Christian Devotional Books. Sharefaith also has a multitude of Mother’s Day illustrations, Mother’s Day clip art, and Mother’s Day background images designed to help you and your ministry thrive.