Having a church website is so important in this day and age. Most individuals looking for a new church will turn to Google to search for churches in their area before attending in person. When someone gets to your church’s website, they’ll browse through all the ins and outs to learn about your church. So how do you know which pages are most popular? What about the least popular pages? Having a church website is very valuable, having church website statistics is a close second. With Sharefaith church websites, we have church website statistics built right into our award winning Sidekick editor, in-depth and easy to use!

Church Website Statistics With Sharefaith Church Websites

Each Sharefaith church website is now fully equipped with church website statistics. First, you will want to activate the stats inside the Insights panel. Simply log into your Sharefaith church website, then click on the Settings tab on the left-hand side of the screen. You will see an option labeled “Show Stats in Insights Panel”, click on the box to activate your church website statistics.


Now to access these new website statistics, click on the Insights button located on the left-hand side of your screen. You will see the section for website statistics. Simply click on website statistics to view the statistics for that category.

Once you have clicked on the Website Statistics bar, you will see a brief overview of the last 7 days of hits & visitors. You will also see the top pages for the current week and the top audio/podcasts as well. To get a more in-depth view, simply click on the “See more” button towards the bottom.

Once you have clicked on the “See more” button, you will have an in-depth view of your website statistics and will be able to filter by Yesterday, This Week, This Month, This Quarter and This Year. Simply click on the filter you are wanting to use to view your website statistics from that time period. The overview provides a summary of the total visitors and visits, Sharefaith sermon player downloads, Search engine referrals, top visitors, most used browsers to view your site and more!


Sharefaith Church Websites continue to be ahead of the game and always have stunning features that churches both want and need. Log into your Sharefaith website today and experience the power of church website statistics for yourself.

New to Sharefaith? Demo our new church website template, “Elevation” which features an amazing design, layout and awesome church website features. You’ll have a 5-star church website with this new template in no time!

Elevation Church Website Template

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