The substance of our faith and our very salvation depends on the resurrection of Christ. Apart from it, our faith is futile, we are still dead in our sins, we have no hope in our own resurrection, and as the Apostle Paul put it, “we are of all people most pitied.” But Jesus did rise again and His resurrection proved victory over every ruler, authority, and power, including death. Invite your community to hear this important message. Here are the top 20 church outreach ideas for Easter Sunday:
Top 20 Church Outreach Ideas for Easter Sunday
1. Postcard Invitations
There are templates available online if you don’t want to design them from scratch. Postcard invitations are practical for mailing as well as for personally handing out to family, neighbors, friends, and to the perfect stranger.
2. Free Carwash
Give them a car wash, a smile, and an invitation to the special Easter Sunday service. What more could they ask for?
3. Host a Dinner for the Homeless
This is a church outreach event specifically addressed by scripture. “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you…” Luke 14:13-14.
4. Run for a Cause
People like to run, walk and get fit, and even better if there is a cause attached to it. Sponsor a water station at a local running event and hand out Easter service invitations along with refreshments.
5. Yard Signs
Make signs for members to place in their yards announcing the upcoming Easter Sunday service. Be sure to include times and location.
6. E-invitation
Set up a form of electronic invitation that is easy for members to forward along to their friends and family.
7. Easter Egg-vitations
This is a great church outreach idea for children. Fill eggs with candy and an invitation to the Easter Sunday service to hand out to friends and neighbors.
8. Messiah Live Concert
This one will take some planning, and is a little more involved than the average church outreach idea, but it will be well worth the effort. Invite the community to share their musical talent corporately, to produce this fine event.
9. Celebration of the Seder
Encourage the church to host individual Seders in their homes to present the significance of the Passover feast to friends and family.
10. Gallery of Art, Poetry, and Music
Reach out to local artists who draw, paint, and write. Ask them to artistically present the trial, death, and/or resurrection of our Savior.
11. Easter Egg Hunt
Of all the listed church outreach ideas in this article, this may have the most draw in the community. Be prepared for crowds.
12. Floral Arranging Class
Invite members of the community to a free floral arranging class. If you charge a small fee for the supplies, that’s ok, but at least provide the instruction and goodies for free.
13. Spring Cleaning Rummage Sale
Invite the members of your church to spring clean and donate their clutter to the cause. Place information and a warm invitation to the upcoming Easter Sunday service in each bag of sold goods.
14. Pancake Breakfast Following the Sunrise Service
People love to eat! Advertise a free pancake breakfast after the Easter service for celebration and fellowship.
15. Easter Lily Gifts
Invite church members to volunteer to purchase an Easter lily for the sanctuary to aid in Easter decorating. Later deliver the lilies to community senior centers.
16. Easter Meals to the Needy
Have members pull together resources to package Easter meals that can be delivered to the less fortunate.
17. Children’s Easter Program
Put together a musical drama, or a simple play, presenting some aspect of the Gospel. This is a great way to draw the family, friends, and neighbors to hear the resurrection message.
18. Easter Service on Location
Take the service to those who cannot come to you. Senior centers, children’s homes, youth detention centers, prisons, shut-ins, etc.
19. Family and Friends Photos
People typically dress up for Easter Sunday service. Set up a booth to take photos to commemorate the Easter celebration.
20. Warm Welcome
When visitors darken the doorways of your church, smile and let them know that their presence is gladly received. A small welcome gift is also a nice touch that will give you a short time to interact with your guest for the chance to communicate that you care.
Feel free to share other effective strategies you’ve implemented to let the community know they are welcome to your special Resurrection Sunday service.
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