Whether you are a pastor, worship leader, missionary or counselor, you answered a call when you first started. You were excited, inspired, anointed and willing to go wherever God led. Fast forward to now. Is that flame still burning? If you see these 10 signs, you should be alarmed. If this is just a season, then stay faithful. If it’s more than that, then it’s time for a break, to seek counsel or perhaps pass the baton.
Here are some warning signs:
- Ministry joy turns into ministry dread
- Your sermon/teaching is predictable
- Your sermon is template-based
- Money matters more than people
- Showmanship has replaced anointing
- Too afraid to speak the truth in love
- Please people over pleasing God
- Opportunity replaces commitment
- Accountability is nowhere to be found
- Prayer and Bible Study becomes irrelevant
Luckily this does not have to be so grim. It’s never the end! We know that Satan hates ministry and if you are part of it, you are a target as well. The Word tells us to put on the Armor of God, to take our concerns to Jesus, to make our requests known to God and remain faithful in prayer. It’s time for a new perspective! Let’s be renewed by changing the way we think. Don’t see the devil behind every bush, but be mature enough to know, as 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, that Satan walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
God loves you! Your calling is significant. Your gifting is needed. Don’t succumb to discouragement. Don’t settle for the norm. Come awake and let God’s Spirit rejuvenate your entire being. Here’s some great truths from the Psalms to refresh your heart: Psalm 27:1-2, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 30:4-5, Psalm 18:1-3, Psalm 16:5-6 & 7-8, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 103.