Chances are the members of your worship team struggle with some of the same things you do. It is not uncommon to sink into a spiritual and even professional rut, experience burnout, get caught up in painful discord, and sometimes even forget the purpose behind the task. The question is what can we do to help keep the team strong, motivated and in love with the God they worship? Here is list of some practical ways you can serve the worship team at your church.
How can I help the worship team in my church?
Feedback and criticism seem to flow naturally, but words of encouragement are often overlooked. We appreciate the worship team, but sometimes we assume they know it, and fail to communicate how much we really value all they do. Beyond the simple “thank you” in passing, there are other more creative ways to express encouragement. Be specific; tell them particular things they do that bless the church body. An email, or better yet, a rare handwritten note, can mean a great deal. If you hear a positive comment from someone, be sure to share it with the team or ask the worship leader to pass it on. Surprise them by bringing doughnuts and coffee to one of their practices, just to show you care.
Another practical way to encourage the team (if the budget will allow) is to have a one-day worship conference at your church. This is an opportunity for team members to participate in workshops, worship together and hear teachings on worship. They can use this time to introduce new songs, practice together, and have a time of food and fellowship to stir fresh ideas and remind them why they do what they do.
If you are a part of the administrative staff that decides the budget, find out if there are sound equipment needs. Perhaps microphones need to be up dated or a new sound board is needed. Allocating funds in order to accomplish a clear intentional plan is important.
Find out what kind of support efforts can be done to lighten the team’s load. One thing that comes often up is the need for volunteers to help with setting up and breaking down music equipment. Have the youth group wrap cables and assist with setup and tear-down. Even if a logistics team is already established there are times when they are short-handed. Make an announcement that the setup team needs some volunteers who can be called upon to help out on occasion when the regulars are not available; sometimes people get sick, go on vacation, or have family emergencies. It would be nice to know there is a pool of volunteers in place who could be called upon when necessary.
Whether in the form of praise or constructive criticism, your worship leader can benefit from hearing your observations. Responses from the congregation are necessary for continued growth and success of the worship pastor and the team. Worship leaders and other team members inevitably get “feedback” in some form, but specific evaluation, delivered with a spirit of humility and with the desire to help, is more likely to be received and considered. Feedback can include sharing new songs you would like to hear introduced or suggesting a particular style of music. Maybe the house volume is too loud and no one can hear themselves or others around them; perhaps several people feel the same way but haven’t expressed it. The worship leader may not know the particular things you have observed unless you share your perspective.
“We war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and every high thing that exalts itself…” (Ephesians 6:12). The music minister and worship team need your prayers. They are on the front lines, so to speak, helping to prepare people’s hearts to receive the God’s Word and the enemy doesn’t like it. Pray that God would be exalted, that the leader would stay strong and egos would be laid aside. Pray they would experience unity and God’s blessing. Ask the worship leader and other members how you can pray for them specifically.
Worship leaders aren’t always pastors, but they have a pastor-like care over the congregation and the music team in matters of praise and worship. The best way to show respect for the worship leader is to follow their lead. Gossip and slander are amongst the biggest crimes in the church against leadership. They are both destructive and infectious. If you have something to say, say it to the appropriate person in private, not in front of others (Matthew 18:15).
Show your support through participation, with enthusiasm! Sing out, be engaged and don’t forget to smile (when appropriate). We all know that the worship team is singing and playing for God, but we’re talking about corporate worship. It sure is encouraging to see as many people as possible show up to the meeting full of joy and ready to worship the Lord. It’s easy to lead those who are eager to serve Jesus and that attitude is contagious. Come to the service with an expectancy, knowing that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) and wherever two are more are gathered, God is there (Matthew 18:20)! Prepare yourselves ahead of time by praying and meditating on scriptures the Lord lays on your heart throughout the week. You will not only be a blessing to the worship team, you will be amazed at how much you are edified and built up when you arrive ready to worship God, to serve others and to help your worship team.