You may not know that Sharefaith has articles for Christians on a lot of different religious topics. The articles are all in a section entitled Spread The Word – an inspirational guide for Churches.

One of the most exciting sections is our Books of the Bible – Bible Study Guide. Each book of the Bible has an overview that brings out the main theses and characters and will give the reader a great picture of what that book is all about. We’ve arranged these in alphabetical order so that the new Christian can easily find the book they are looking for. Here’s an excerpt from the overview on the book of Job:

The book of Job can be one of the hardest books in the Bible to read and understand. It challenges how people view God when dealing with His people and offers a different perspective on true suffering. When someone encounters a difficult situation, an often-heard statement is: ‘Well, at least you are not Job.'”

“While Job survived seemingly insurmountable experiences, the true beauty of his story lies not in the terrible tragedies of his life, but that Job passed many tests by remaining faithful despite the circumstances. Job learned true humility and dependence on God through the hard times.”

Whether you’re a new Christian or a seasoned saint, you’ll always find that God speaks through His word in fresh ways every time you open it. Use our Bible Guide as a Bible Study or Homeschool Lessons or just to refresh your memory on the overall topics of the 66 books of the Bible. We hope you are blessed by it!

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