In case you missed it, we released a brand new Sharefaith church app a few months ago. Now your church has joined thousands of other churches on our new church app, The Sharefaith App!
Important Update For All Sharefaith Church App Users
Our new church mobile app was created in response to the Apple App Store’s new guidelines in which they will no longer allow for companies such as Sharefaith to mass produce apps for thousands of customers under one developer license or account. As of right now, all apps that were made are still live and active on the Apple App Store. Apple is now changing their guideline again and, as of April 1st, 2018, these apps that were created will no longer be supported or allowed to be updated in the Apple App Store.
Benefits Of The New Sharefaith Church App
- Easy to find your church and access your content!
- Same look and feel as your current church app with all your content as before.
- The Sharefaith App becomes your very own church app. You don’t share anything with any other churches.
- JUST RELEASED! Church app icon switching! The Sharefaith App will allow you to set your very own church app icon, so it’s like having your very own church app.
- Direct download links that take you directly to your church app! (Coming very soon)
- The Sharefaith App is still 100% free on Sharefaith Complete, with lifetime support!
What This Means For You
If you currently have a Sharefaith church app, you’ve already got your app and all of your data moved over to our new Sharefaith church app. Now, instead of using your stand alone church app, you’ll simply use the Sharefaith church app. This will ensure that you are up-to-date on all our latest and greatest features as well as set up to work for the latest version of iOS. Your current stand alone church app will still be live on the App Store and will still work as is and continue to receive updates from your content on your church website. However, after April 1st, your stand alone church app will be unable to receive any update in terms of bug fixes or iOS updates.
What This Means For Your Congregation
Your congregation will need to download The Sharefaith App from the Apple App Store and search for your church. Once doing this, they will have access to all of your sermons, blogs, calendar, and everything they love about your current church app. While your stand alone church app will still work for the time being, you will want to make sure that you start letting your congregation know to download The Sharefaith App, find your church and they’ll be all set! Simply follow these 3 easy steps:
Download The Sharefaith App from the Apple App Store, here.
Once you’ve downloaded The Sharefaith App, search for your church by entering in your full church name into the search bar. Once you find your church’s app, select it and simply hit the save button below. Make sure to allow push notifications to stay up-to-date with your church at all times. For more information regarding this, check out our tutorial, here.
Success! You’re now connected to your church app and can access all of your church’s content, including sermons, calendars, events, blogs, promos and more! If you’ve already had your previous church’s app installed, you can delete it from your phone to avoid any confusion going forward.
Share with the world!
Now that you’ve seen all the amazing features of the brand new Sharefaith App, it’s time to start letting your congregation know about this exciting change. We’ve come up with a few ideas on how you can share and promote your new church app to your congregation and your community.
- Use this promo video during your service to announce this exciting update!
- Promote your new church app on your church website!
- Share on social media and provide a direct link to The Sharefaith App.
- Add a QR Code in your church bulletin with quick instructions on how to download the new app.
- Send out an email newsletter to your church congregation letting them know to download the new app!
- Take time during the service and have everyone pull out their phone and walk them through the steps. This will be super helpful and only take 5 minutes max!
All Sharefaith Complete members get lifetime live phone, chat and email support Monday – Saturday! Simply give us a call at 888-317-4018 or create a support ticket here and one of our Sharefaith Member Coaches will be happy to help you out.