Every year there are thousands of books published on personal growth. We have grown accustomed to the “How To” book titles that clutter online and traditional bookstores – how to succeed, how to lose weight, how to manage time or money or family. There are also many books on Christian growth, a very different pursuit since there is an ever-present ebb and flow of faith in our lives as believers. But, we know God is secure, our ever-present help in times of trouble, as Psalm 46 says. Here is today’s Top 100 Christian Bestselling Books on Church Growth, a helpful list on how to follow God more intimately as an individual and in the community of the church.

Looking for resources to help grow your church? Here is today’s Top 100 Christian Bestselling Books on Church Growth Click To Tweet


1. Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit

A follow up to the profound message of Crazy Love, Pastor Francis Chan offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives.
by Francis Chan



22. Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations That Will Help Your Church Grow

You’ve probably noticed … Churches aren’t growing. Young adults are walking away.  There’s no doubt the church is in a moment in history for which few church leaders are prepared. You can look for answers, but the right response depends on having the right conversation.

by Carey Nieuwhof



33. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Resources for Changing Lives)

In many ways, the church today has more consumers than committed participants. We see church merely as an event we attend or an organization we belong to, rather than as a calling that shapes our entire life.

by Paul David Tripp
Print and Kindle available



44. Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City

Today many pastors are struggling to adapt to a post-Christian culture without abandoning orthodox theology. How do we communicate the concepts of grace and substitutionary atonement in our globalized culture and context?

by Timothy Keller



55. The Complete Book of Questions: 1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion

1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion Most of us realize that raising questions is a powerful way to get interesting dialogue. But asking good ones can be another matter―they’re not always that easy to think up! That’s where The Complete Book of Questions comes in. This book is one big compilation of questions―1001 of them you can use to launch great conversations in almost any context.

Garry D. Poole



6-a6. Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60: Being Church for All Generations

Many established churches are facing a number of challenges in today’s increasingly secular culture. Such a shift in many communities creates a challenge of church growth and church health when it seems that satisfying the needs of one group creates barriers to reaching another group. So many are asking, “How do you keep people over sixty years of age, who often hold church culture values, while at the same time reach people under forty, who often hold postmodern values?”

By Edward H. Hammett

Print and Kindle available


77. Christ Walk: A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program

“What’s better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind? Christ Walk outlines a 40-day program for individuals and groups to focus on improving physical health while engaging in spiritual and mental reflection and growth.

by Anna Fitch Courie
Print and Kindle available



88. Unwelcome: 50 Ways Churches Drive Away First-Time Visitors

Walking into a church for the first time can be scary. Are you making your first-time guests feel welcome? Or are you driving them away—unintentionally—with bad signage, reserved seating, clunky communication and more? In this practical book, Jonathan Malm examines 50 ways churches make first-time visitors feel unwelcome.

by Jonathan Malm
Print and Kindle available



99. Do Something Else: The Road Ahead for the Mainline Church Paperback

Do Something Else is meant to encourage faith communities and their leaders to reconsider “church as usual,” reengage Spirit-led entrepreneurialism, and reimagine new models of ministry bubbling up in their midst. Many churches and leaders are already setting the pace.

by Nate Phillips



1010. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity (Future of Christianity Trilogy) 3rd Edition

In this new and substantially expanded Third Edition, Philip Jenkins continues to illuminate the remarkable expansion of Christianity in the global South–in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Drawing upon the extensive new scholarship that has appeared on this topic in recent years, he asks how the new Christianity is likely to affect the poor, among whom it finds its most devoted adherents.

by Philip Jenkins



1370054411. Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations That Will Help Your Church Grow

With surprising candor and transparency pastor Andy Stanley explains how one of America’s largest churches began with a high-profile divorce and a church split. But that’s just the beginning…Deep and Wide provides church leaders with an in-depth look into North Point Community Church and its strategy for creating churches unchurched people absolutely love to attend.

by Andy Stanley
Hardcover & Kindle Edition



1212. Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church

Engaging, informative, and immediately applicable, this biblically grounded, proven plan for establishing relationships with newcomers prompting them to become fully developing members of our congregations.

by Nelson Searcy



1313. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Reader and Study Guide

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement presents a multi-faceted collection of readings exploring the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of world evangelization.

Writings from more than 150 mission scholars and practitioners (over 60 of them new in this edition) portray the history and anticipate the potential of the global Christian movement. Every one of the 170 articles are side bars offers practical wisdom enabling Christians to labor together in bold, biblical hope to finish the task of seeing that Christ is named and followed among all the peoples of the earth.

by Ralph Winter and Steven Hawthorne





14.We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation

This book offers everything you need to explore what a difference an honest, living, growing faith can make in our world today. It also puts tools in your hands to create a life-changing learning community in any home, restaurant, or other welcoming space.

by Brian D. McLaren



1515. Why Men Hate Going to Church

Christianity is the only world religion with a chronic shortage of men. David Murrow identifies the barriers to male participation, and explains why it’s so hard to motivate the men who do go to church. Then, he takes you inside several fast-growing congregations that are winning the hearts of men and boys.

by David Murrow




16. Pharisectomy: How to Joyfully Remove Your Inner Pharisee and other Religiously Transmitted Diseases

With an entertaining blend of social-scientist-meets-sage, Peter Haas provides a penetrating look at our faith that just might reveal our own “hidden Pharisees.” Through a series of autopsies, Haas bypasses the cheap “church-make-over solutions” and cuts straight to our deepest need: a Pharisectomy.

by Peter Haas
Print and Kindle available



1717. Sticky Church (Leadership Network Innovation Series)

In Sticky Church, author and pastor Larry Osborne makes the case that closing the back door of your church is even more important than opening the front door wider. He offers a time-tested strategy for doing so: sermon-based small groups that dig deeper into the weekend message and tightly velcro members to the ministry.

by Larry Osborne



1818. Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

You were made to make disciples. Jesus gave His followers a command: “Follow Me.” And a promise: “I will equip you to find others to follow Me.” We were made to make disciples. Designed for use in discipleship relationships and other focused settings, Multiply will equip you to carry out Jesus’ ministry.

by Francis Chan
Print and Kindle available



1919. God’s Armorbearer: Running With Your Pastor’s Vision Volume 3 (Armor Bearer)

Terry Nance, author of the best-selling book God’s Armorbearer Volumes 1 and 2, reaffirms that the local church is God’s idea–not man’s–and that this is the day of a great harvest in which millions will need to be trained in the Lord.

by Terry Nance
Print and Kindle available




20. Death to Self, the Path to Change and the Power of God

It is of no surprise to anyone that we live in wicked times in which the worth of human life has been lost, where moral integrity has crumbled, and where innocence is trampled in a seemingly cultural way. We live in times where the innocence of children is no longer protected, the moral integrity of our adolescents is not defended, and social responsibility of adults is not expected.

by Guillermo Maldonado, Jose Anhuaman





2121. Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission

An engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate communities of discipleship and vibrant, dynamic faith. Highly acclaimed for his work with parish renewal and the New Evangelization, Fr. James Mallon shares with us the many ways for bringing our parishes to life.

by James Mallon
Print and Kindle available



2222. Disappearing Church: From Cultural Relevance to Gospel Resilience

Disappearing Church will help you sort through concerns like these, guiding you in a thoughtful, faithful, and hopeful response. Weaving together art, history, and theology, pastor and cultural observer Mark Sayers reminds us that real growth happens when the church embraces its countercultural witness, not when it blends in.

by Mark Sayers




23. AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church

AND, by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay, asks and provides an answer for one of the most important questions for church leaders today: What is happening to the church in America? By all appearances, it looks like we are “doing” church better than we ever have. In the past thirty years the number of mega-churches has increased from under 100 to over 7,500. In the past ten years the number of multi-site churches has increased from under 100 to over 2,000.

by Hugh Halter, Matt Smay
Print and Kindle available



2424. The Purpose Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message and Mission

Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believers that in order for a church to be healthy if must become a purpose driven church by Jesus.

by Rick Warren



25-a25. Shrink: Faithful Ministry in a Church-Growth Culture

The drive to be great—to be a success by the standards of the world—often crowds out the qualities of goodness, virtue, and faithfulness that should define the central focus of Christian leadership. In the culture of today’s church, successful leadership is often judged by what works, while persistent faithfulness takes a back seat. If a ministry doesn’t produce results, it is dropped. If people don’t respond, we move on.

by Tim Suttle, Scot McKnight
Print and Kindle available



2626. Courageous Leadership: Field-Tested Strategy for the 360° Leader

The book you hold resonates with this conviction: that leaders such as you have the potential to be the most influential forces on planet Earth. Yours is the staggering responsibility and the matchless privilege of rallying believers and mobilizing their spiritual gifts in order to help people who are far from God become fully devoted followers of Christ.

by Bill Hybels




2727. Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus

2014 Readers’ Choice Award Winner 2014 Best Books About the Church from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore Fast food. Fast cars. Fast and furious. Fast forward. Fast . . . church? The church is often idealized (or demonized) as the last bastion of a bygone era, dragging our feet as we’re pulled into new moralities and new spiritualities.

by C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison




2828. Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City

Today many pastors are struggling to adapt to a post-Christian culture without abandoning orthodox theology. How do we communicate the concepts of grace and substitutionary atonement in our globalized culture and context?

by Timothy Keller



2929. Divine Renovation Group Reading Guide

Take the transforming principles and ideas outlined in Fr. Mallon s landmark book and apply them to your own parish with this engaging and easy-to-use study guide. In six small-group sessions, pastoral leaders, ministers and parishioners who care about the life of the Church prayerfully reflect on personal experiences and the parish community-its mission, priorities, and vision.

by Bill Huebsch



3030. Gaining By Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches that Send

People are leaving the church J.D. Greear pastors. Big givers. Key volunteers. Some of his best leaders and friends. And that’s exactly how he wants it to be.

by J.D. Greear and Larry Osborne



3131. Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Church Movement (Exponential Series)

Authors Dave and Jon Ferguson communicate a simple strategy that will engage millions of Christ followers and challenge every church leader to become a reproducing follower and leader. Exponential lays out a brief but solid theology for a reproducing strategy, giving practical “how-to’s” for reproducing Christ followers, leaders, artists, groups/teams, venues, sites, churches, and networks of churches.

by Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson



3232. Building Leaders: Blueprints for Developing Leadership at Every Level of Your Church

Training the next generation of leaders is crucial to spreading the gospel, yet most churches have no formal way of doing this. Why? Tight budgets, small staffs, and a lack of know how are just a few reasons suggested by church consultants Aubrey Malphurs and William Mancini in this groundbreaking book. This book provides reallife examples of ways churches can unleash their true ministry potential by training staff members and laypeople to lead.

by Aubrey Malphurs and Will Mancini
Print and Kindle available



3333. Leadership Axioms: Powerful Leadership Proverbs

The best leaders not only lead well but also reflect on their leadership long enough and thoughtfully enough to articulate the philosophies that cause them to do so. Whether serving in the marketplace or in ministry, as executives or rank-and-file employees, as salaried staff or volunteer servants, good leaders can pinpoint the rationale for their actions and decisions with the ease of reciting their home address.

by Bill Hybels and PhD Henry Cloud
Print and Kindle available



3434. Real Good Church: How Our Church Came Back from the Dead, and Yours Can, Too

Real Good Church offers a look at everything First Church Somerville UCC, a progressive Christian church in the shadow of Harvard, MIT and Tufts Universities, did to reverse their death spiral and become the healthy, stable, spirited and robust community it is today.

by Molly Phinney Baskette
Print and Kindle available



3535. Leading Life-Changing Small Groups (Groups that Grow)

Like nothing else, small groups have the power to change lives. They’re the ideal route to discipleship—a place where the rubber of biblical truth meets the road of human relationships. This updated and revised third edition of the bestselling Leading Life-Changing Small Groups handbook helps small group leaders learn the basics of leading a successful small group.

by Bill Donahue
Print and Kindle available



3636. One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Bringing Out the Best in Any Size Church

Different churches grow in different ways. This book will help you figure out your church’s orientation and show the way to healthy growth.

by Gary L. McIntosh
Print and Kindle available



3737. Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter

Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thriving mega-churches and innovative business leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic center of Catholic faith, Fr. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story to how they brought their parish back to life.

by Michael White and Tom Corcoran



3838. Activate: An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups

Church leaders want to know how to make small groups work for their church communities, yet a quick look around shows that while small groups are popular, much of the time they create more problems than they solve. Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, founding pastors of The Journey Church in the heart of New York City, suggest that this failure is due to widely held beliefs about small groups that just aren’t true–and they aim to debunk the myths and set the record straight!

by Nelson Searcy
Print and Kindle available



3939. The Volunteer Revolution: Unleashing the Power of Everybody

The future of the local church is directly tied to its ability to attract, equip, and unleash the potential of volunteers in the church Pastor Bill Hybels sees a new reality on the horizon. There is unprecedented spiritual openness in today’s society, and at the same time, increasing economic pressure on the resources of local churches. The solution lies squarely on God-gifted volunteers.

by Bill Hybels
Print and Kindle available



4040. The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing

In the award-winning The Unbelievable Gospel pastor Jonathan Dodson give us a timely look at what makes the gospel unbelievable in our age and how we can make it more believable in the midst of a changing culture. Addressing concerns and fears about the state of evangelism, Dodson offers a blend of wisdom and depth of grace.

by Jonathan K. Dodson
Print and Kindle available



4141. The Five Star Church

Ever wonder how a restaurant or hotel earns a five-star rating? Is it the people? The location? The service? In most cases, it is all of this and more. Why should your church be any different? The Five Star Church reveals how you can pursue Christian excellence and uphold the Lord’s command to “honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10).

by Stan Toler, Alan Nelson and Elmer Towns



42-a42. When “Spiritual but Not Religious” Is Not Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church

Minister and celebrated author Lillian Daniel gives a new spin on church with stories of what a life of faith can really be: weird, wondrous, and well worth trying. From a rock-and-roller sexton to a BB gun-toting grandma, a church service attended by animals to a group of unlikely theologians at Sing Sing, Daniel shows us a portrait of church that is flawed, fallible–and deeply faithful.

by Lillian Daniel
Print and Kindle available



4343. A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century

In this book, Robert Royal, a prominent participant in debates about religion and contemporary life, offers a comprehensive and balanced appraisal of the Catholic intellectual tradition in the twentieth century. The Catholic Church values both Faith and Reason, and Catholicism has given rise to extraordinary ideas and whole schools of remarkable thought, not just in the distant past but throughout the troubled decades of the twentieth century.

by Robert Royal
Print and Kindle available



4444. Loyalty and Disloyalty

Part of the Loyalty series, Loyalty and Disloyalty deals firmly with the fine line that distinguishes between the two attitudes, and talks about the defining moments we should all be aware of in our own lives, and the lives of those around us. This book is a roadmap for both leaders and followers. As leaders, we need wisdom to guide our sensitivities. Picking up disloyalty early on in those around us can prevent disaster later.

by Dag Heward-Mills
Print and Kindle available



4545. Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60: Being Church for All Generations (TCP Leadership Series)

Many established churches are facing a number of challenges in today’s increasingly secular culture. Such a shift in many communities creates a challenge of church growth and church health when it seems that satisfying the needs of one group creates barriers to reaching another group.

by Edward H. Hammett
Print and Kindle available



4646. Transformational Discipleship: How People Really Grow

A compilation of their wisdom and stories, it surely guides church leaders and members to practice the intentional efforts needed to foster an entire culture in which people grow in Christian faith.

by Eric Geiger, Michael Kelley and Philip Nation



47-a47. Heaven Misplaced: Christ’s Kingdom on Earth

Though most Christians refrain from predicting exactly when our world will end, many believe that when earth’s finale does arrive, it will be a catastrophe. They expect that before Christ comes back to reclaim His own, Satan will escape his chains and return to wreak havoc on our planet.

by Douglas Wilson
Print and Kindle available



48-a48. Sifted: Pursuing Growth through Trials, Challenges, and Disappointments

In this book, pastor and seasoned church leader Wayne Cordeiro speaks the truth in love, offering wisdom and insight to prepare leaders as they face the difficulties and hardships of planting and leading churches, while providing encouragement and inspiration for the journey. An experienced practitioner, Wayne shares the things he wishes he’d known when he was starting a new church.

by Wayne Cordeiro, Francis Chan
Print and Kindle available



49-a49. The Complete Wineskin: Restructuring the Church for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and our wineskins must be changed to handle the new wine. How are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers going to rise up and work together? Where do small group meetings fit? Will the Church come together in unity? How does the anointing of God work and what is your role? This book puts into words what you have been sensing in your spirit.

by Harold R. Eberle



5050. Transforming Church in Rural America

Small church buildings dotting the countryside are home to ministries that often struggle with limited attendance, no money, and little expectation that change can revitalize their future. In this book, Pastor Shannon O’Dell shares a powerful vision of relevance, possibility, and excellence for these small churches, or for any ministry that is stuck in a “rural state of mind.”

by Shannon O’Dell
Print and Kindle available



5151. Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens Hardcover

Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members – revised vision statements, hipper worship, contemporary music, livelier sermons, bigger and better auditoriums. But there are still so many people who aren’t being reached, who don’t want to come to church. And the truth is that attendance at church on Sundays does not necessarily transform lives; God’s presence in our hearts is what changes us.

by Neil Cole
Print and Kindle available



5252. Compañeros De Oración (Spanish version)

Cómo desatar el potencial de la oración en beneficio de la iglesia.
«¿Quiere ser uno que marque la diferencia en la vida de su pastor y de su iglesia? Ya que he experimentado el poder cambiante de la vida de un ministerio de compañeros de oración, quiero dar a conocer esa experiencia al mayor número posible de iglesias.

by John C. Maxwell



53-a53. The Strategically Small Church: Intimate, Nimble, Authentic, and Effective

Brandon O’Brien helps pastors and church leaders understand that a smaller church is sometimes better than a big one. He demonstrates the strengths of small congregations, including that today’s church “shoppers” want services that are local, personal, and intimate. Also, small churches provide space to nurture close relationships across age and lifestyle barriers, and they facilitate a higher level of commitment from laypeople.

by Brandon J. O’Brien, Jim Belcher
Print and Kindle available



54-a54. The Road to Missional: Journey to the Center of the Church

It has recently become acceptable, and even fashionable, to refer to one’s church as “missional. ” But many churches misunderstand the concept, thinking of “going missional” as simply being a necessary add-on to church-as-usual. This domestication of what is actually a very bold paradigm shift makes missional nothing more than one more trick to see church growth. With a light hand and a pastoral spirit, Michael Frost points out how church practitioners are not quite there yet.

by Michael Frost
Print and Kindle available



5555. Be Transformed: Discovering Biblical Solutions to Life’s Problems

We all desire to experience a more abundant life in the midst of daily challenges. The Be Transformed materials are designed to address the root causes of the behavioral, relational, emotional and spiritual problems we experience. Be Transformed teaches the practical application of Biblical principles developed by Scope Ministries International.

by Renee Roberts and Scope Staff Members



56-a56. Spent Matches: Igniting the Signal Fire for the Spiritually Dissatisfied

Spent Matches explores the possibility that a few small paradigm shifts within the church might make the difference between extinction and effectiveness. In fact, taking a clue from the automobile industry, the church might be able to not only halt the rapid decay in attendance but also become an effective tool in achieving Jesus’ final command. For instance, the Hybrid car has become the answer to Detroit’s environmental and oil crisis issues.

by Roy Moran
Print and Kindle available



5757. The Untold Story of the New Testament Church: An Extraordinary Guide to Understanding the New Testament

A scholar of the New Testament Church and a forerunner of modern Church renewal, Frank Viola casts his gaze back at the birth pangs of first century Christianity in The Untold Story of the New Testament Church. Using a ‘you-are-there’ approach, this epic volume gives readers a first-hand account of how the witness of Christ’s testimony impacted the world.

by Frank Viola
Print and Kindle available



5858. Transformational Discipleship: How People Really Grow

A compilation of their wisdom and stories, it surely guides church leaders and members to practice the intentional efforts needed to foster an entire culture in which people grow in Christian faith.

by Eric Geiger, Michael Kelley and Philip Nation
Print and Kindle available



5959. Disappearing Church: From Cultural Relevance to Gospel Resilience

Disappearing Church will help you sort through concerns like these, guiding you in a thoughtful, faithful, and hopeful response. Weaving together art, history, and theology, pastor and cultural observer Mark Sayers reminds us that real growth happens when the church embraces its countercultural witness, not when it blends in.

by Mark Sayers



6060. Small Is Big, Slow Is Fast: Living and Leading Your Family and Community on God’s Mission Kindle Edition

Biblical and super practical, Small Is Big, Slow Is Fast helps readers respond to Jesus’ call to each of us to be a missionary right where we live—in our own families and neighborhoods. It shows you step by step the essential elements that create environments for organic kingdom growth and multiplication.

by Caesar Kalinowski
Print and Kindle available



61-a61. Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence For Every Believer

The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ.

by J. Oswald Sanders
Print and Kindle available



62-a62. Create vs. Copy: Embrace Change. Ignite Creativity. Break Through with Imagination

This short, punchy book explores various aspects of creativity and imagination and leads you toward a healthy, confident, more innovative life mindset. It celebrates the good news of your God-given capacity to create and helps you harness it to take charge of your life, navigate changing times, and ultimately, flourish and succeed.

by Ken Wytsma
Print and Kindle Available



6363. Taking Your Church to the Next Level: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

All local churches experience a predictable life cycle of growth and decline. But if a church is on a downward trend, how can it turn around? Taking Your Church to the Next Level explains the impact of age and size on churches and outlines the improvements that must be made at each point for a church to remain fruitful and faithful to its mission.

by Gary L. McIntosh



6464. Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not-Evangelism

Some of us fear moments when we need to defend our theology. Some of us seek them out. But we are seldom ready the way Jesus seemed to be ready. So how do we draw others to God in the midst of these ordinary conversations the way Jesus did?

by Carl Medearis
Print and Kindle available



6565. Entering Wonderland: A Toolkit for Pastors New to a Church

The first year or so of a pastor’s tenure in a new congregation is precarious; many pastors stay at a new congregation for fewer than five years. This handbook helps coach both experienced and new pastors to enter a new congregation effectively. Drawing from organizational systems leadership material in religious and secular worlds, it offers nearly 50 tips and tools designed to help new pastors analyze their congregation’s system and then to lead to affect positive change.

by Robert A. Harris
Print and Kindle available



6666. The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church: And the Causes That Hinder It

Written in 1927 as a follow up to his Missionary Methods, Allen’s “Spontaneous Expansion of the Church” is a must-read classic that has stood the test of time.

by Roland Allen
Print and Kindle available



6767. The American Church in Crisis: Groundbreaking Research Based on a National Database of over 200,000 Churches

Groundbreaking research based on a national database of over 200,000 churches shows that the overall United States population is growing faster than the church. The director of the American Church Research Project, Dave Olson, has worked to analyze church attendance, showing that it is virtually unchanged from fifteen years ago while our population has grown by fifty-two million people.

by David T. Olson and Craig Groeschel
Print and Kindle available



6868. There’s Hope for Your Church: First Steps to Restoring Health and Growth

Veteran church consultant calls church leaders back to the hope that God can and does restore churches, equipping them with practical tools to bring about healthy growth.

by Gary L. McIntosh
Print and Kindle available



6969. Breakout Churches: Discover How to Make the Leap

Breakout Churches… what does it take for your church to break out of mediocrity? In search of answers, Thom Rainer and his research team conducted a landmark study on the church. Unfolding the findings of that study, Breakout Churches furnishes both principles and examples to show how you as a pastor or church leader can help your church break out of the status quo into unprecedented fruitfulness.

by Thom S. Rainer
Print and Kindle available



7070. Church Marketing 101: Preparing Your Church for Greater Growth

Demystifies basic marketing principles for churches and evaluates biblical principles for outreach so ministries can uncover and fix roadblocks that keep them from reaching out.

by Richard L. Reising
Print and Kindle available



7171. Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know

Lead small groups through astounding growth with principles from the best-selling books How People Grow and Boundaries. No matter what need brings a group of people together—from marriage enrichment to divorce recovery, from grief recovery to spiritual formation—members are part of a small group because they want to grow.

by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Print and Kindle available



7272. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority

No one can deny our culture is opposed to Christian values, and the influences bombarding our children’s moral development are difficult to contend with. But few parents and church leaders realize that a child’s moral development is set by the age of nine. It is therefore critical to start developing a child’s biblical worldview from the very earliest years of life.

by George Barna
Print and Kindle available



7373. How (Not) to Speak of God

Explore the philosophical and theological underpinnings of the Emerging church movement.

by Peter Rollins
Print and Kindle available




7474. Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know

No matter what need brings a group of people together, from marriage enrichment to divorce recovery, from grief recovery to spiritual formation, members are part of a small group because they want to grow. This book by psychologists Henry Cloud and John Townsend provides small-group leaders with valuable guidance and information on how they can help their groups to grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Dr. Henry Cloud (Author, Narrator), Dr. John Townsend
Print and Kindle available



7575. Starting Missional Churches: Life with God in the Neighborhood

All mission is local—the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. Using stories, interviews with pastors and a look at common preconceived notions of church planting in the West, this guide brings together resources of the missional church conversation with the creativity and energy of those who are experimenting with diverse planting activities and practices across the country.

by Mark Branson and Nicholas Warnes
Print and Kindle available



7676. Comeback Churches: How 300 Churches Turned Around and Yours Can, Too

Research shows that over time, most churches plateau and then eventually decline. Typically, they start strong and experience periods of growth, then stagnate and lose members. Since 1991, the North American population has increased by 15 percent while the number of “unchurched” people has increased by 92 percent. Large church houses that were filled in the 1950s and `60s now hold a fraction of their capacity.

by Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson
Print and Kindle available



7777. Growing God’s Church: How People Are Actually Coming to Faith Today

It’s no secret that the evangelism methods of yesterday are not yielding the kinds of results they did in the 1970s and 1980s. So how are new Christians hearing the Gospel today? How are they finding churches? And what makes them stay at a church? The answers to these questions have the power to dramatically alter the way we do outreach.

by Gary L. McIntosh
Print and Kindle available



7878. Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion

This book presents the case for loving the local church. It paints a picture of the local church in all its biblical and real life guts, gaffes, and glory in an effort to edify local congregations and entice the disaffected back to the fold. It also provides a solid biblical mandate to love and be part of the body of Christ and counteract the “leave church” books that trumpet rebellion and individual felt needs.

by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck
Print and Kindle available



51gRMC4Im7L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_79. Breaking Christian Witchcraft

Witchcraft is a bona fide demonic power released through various activities such as words, spells, amulets, charms, occult powers, chants, magic, drugs, potions, or directive prophecies. It’s far more than meeting in a forest to worship Mother Earth and hugging pine trees. Witchcraft is a power that influences people and gives a place to demon activity.

by Jonas Clark Pas
Print and Kindle available



8080. The Sky Is Falling, the Church Is Dying, and Other False Alarms

Is there only doom and gloom for the future of mainline Christianity? Or is it that the current sense of decline and malaise is only a mirage or the result of exaggerations by persons both within but also without these churches? Is the church threatened or are we on the precipice of new opportunities? While there has been some helpful work on the state of the church, others have uncritically parroted claims about decline and linked these claims with notions that the decline is due to relentless theological liberalism.

by Ted A. Campbell
Print and Kindle available



81-a81. Organic Outreach for Churches: Infusing Evangelistic Passion into Your Congregation

Nearly all churches and ministries consider themselves dedicated to evangelism, and many explicitly include outreach in their mission statements. But few are actually bearing fruit. Kevin Harney diagnoses this problem and offers guidance for multiplying the outreach impact of churches. Organic Outreach for Churches provides direction for local congregations to weave evangelism into the fabric of the church.

by Kevin G. Harney
Print and Kindle available

8282. African American Church Growth: 12 Principles of Prophetic Ministry

Filling a need not previously addressed, African American Church Growth contends that it is the prophetic consciousness which appeals to many blacks of the post-civil rights era, and that emphasis on the prophetic will help bring the black church out of the disillusionment of a “post-civil rights malaise”.

by Carlyle F. Stewart



83-a83. Church Is a Team Sport: A Championship Strategy for Doing Ministry Together

Church Is a Team Sport shows proven ways to push believers, new and mature, toward growth as both Christians–and leaders. Through this powerful, thought-provoking volume, ministers both in the congregation and on staff will discover how to expand the church one soul at a time. Making disciples is the crux of the Church Is a Team Sport message.

by Jim Putman
Print and Kindle available



8484. Jesus in HD (High Demand): Prophetic Insight into Revival & Evangelism

Jesus in High Demand is today’s ultimate guide to equip the “modern church” on how to access the grace, strength, influence, and power of the “early church” that we read about in the Book of Acts.

by Jonathan Ferguson
Print and Kindle available



85-a85. Equipping Church Guidebook

1Like a building site well-stocked with quality raw materials, your church abounds with possibilities–life-changing ministries just waiting to be developed. The Equipping Church Guidebook shows you how. Refining and expanding groundbreaking material, this in-depth approach helps you identify, equip, and empower lay ministers who will profoundly influence your church and your community.

by Sue Mallory



8686. Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution through Serving (Leadership Network Innovation Series)

In Servolution, Dino Rizzo shares the story of his relentless pursuit of ways to bless the lost, poor, and hurting people of his community in Jesus’ name. You’ll be amazed and inspired by the incredible ways God has used Healing Place Church to meet the needs of thousands of people. Each chapter includes practical suggestions and resources for use in any church.

by Dino Rizzo
Print and Kindle available



8787. Barefoot Church: Serving the Least in a Consumer Culture (Exponential Series)

People are hungry to make a difference, yet most don’t know where to start. In fact, ‘serving the least’ is often one of the most neglected mandates of Jesus. Whether pastors or laypeople, readers will discover practical ideas that end up being as much about the Gospel and personal transformation as they are about serving the poor. Here they will see how the organizational structure of the church can be created or redesigned for mission in any context.

by Brandon Hatmaker
Print and Kindle available



8888. The Five Star Church

Ever wonder how a restaurant or hotel earns a five-star rating? Is it the people? The location? The service? In most cases, it is all of this and more. Why should your church be any different? The Five Star Church reveals how you can pursue Christian excellence and uphold the Lord’s command to “honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10).

by Stan Toler, Alan Nelson and Elmer Towns



8989. How to Pick Up a Stripper and Other Acts of Kindness: Serving People Just as They Are

Friendship Community Church, led by Pastor Todd Stevens, has experienced tremendous growth through acts of kindness. The church’s most radical kindness project is Nashville Strip Church, founded by Erin Stevens. Erin’s life changed when God told her to “go feed the strippers.” How to Pick Up a Stripper and Other Acts of Kindness includes the story of a dancer who has come to know Christ, left the strip club industry through Erin’s ministry, and is now serving with Erin to reach other strippers.

by Todd and Erin Stevens
Print and Kindle available



90-a90. The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community

2015 Christianity Today Award of Merit (The Church/Pastoral Leadership) 2014 Readers’ Choice Awards Honorable Mention 2014 Best Books About the Church from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore “When . . . faith communities begin connecting together, in and for the neighborhood, they learn to depend on God for strength to love, forgive and show grace like never before. . . .

by Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens, Dwight J. Friesen
Print and Kindle available



91-a91. Effective Generational Ministry: Biblical and Practical Insights for Transforming Church Communities

Understanding generational differences is a key to effective ministry in a multigenerational church. This book offers students and practitioners cutting-edge research and biblical analysis of three generations–Boomers, GenXers, and Millennials–so churches can minister more effectively within and across generational lines. The authors, one an expert on generational differences and the other a respected New Testament scholar, represent different generations and areas of expertise.

by Craig L. Blomberg, Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto
Print and Kindle available



92-a (1)92. Neighborhood Mapping: How to Make Your Church Invaluable to the Community

Neighborhood Mapping by Dr. John Fuder is an engaging, practical tool available to assist workers in the field to better understand the communities they are involved with. It awakens the neighborhood explorer with effective methodology for “exegeting” their neighborhood, offering surveys and samples to lead them in that process.

by John Dr. Fuder
Print and Kindle available



9393. Advanced Strategic Planning: A New Model for Church and Ministry Leaders

First published in 1999, Advanced Strategic Planning explained why planning was so important to carrying out the church’s mission. Now in its second edition, this practical resource offers- a nine-step strategic thinking and acting model – useful ideas for developing a strategy – diagrams to help illustrate concepts – a new chapter on spiritual formation This updated edition places a stronger emphasis on disciplemaking and clarifies answers to nine fundamental ministry questions.

by Aubrey Malphurs



9494. Power & Authority to Destroy the Works of the Devil

It is important to identify the dangerous times we live in. Most signs indicating the Second Coming of Christ have been fulfilled. One of them is that wickedness and rebellion would increase. It is difficult to deny that the present generation is the most rebellious the earth has ever seen. The cause of this rebellion is the spirit of antichrist which opposes God and every authority delegated by Him.

by Guillermo Maldonado and Juan Salgado



9595. The Practices of a Healthy Church: Biblical Strategies for Vibrant Church Life and Ministry

Timeless and fresh insights into the priorities, practices, and strategies of vibrant, ministering churches.

by Donald J. Macnair and Esther Lightcap Meek



9796. Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: The Easy-to-Use Guide That Helps You Identify and Understand Your Unique God-Given Spiritual Gifts

When you become a follower of Christ, you receive gifts from the Holy Spirit. How can you know for certain which gifts you have? And once you do know, how should you use your gifts to best serve God? Discover Your Spiritual Gifts gives you life-changing answers to these questions and more.

by C. Peter Wagner



97-a97. City of God: Faith in the Streets

On Ash Wednesday, 2012, Sara Miles and her friends left their church buildings and carried ashes to the buzzing city streets: the crowded dollar stores, beauty shops, hospital waiting rooms, street corners and fast-food joints of her neighborhood. They marked the foreheads of neighbors and strangers, sharing blessings with waitresses and drunks, believers and doubters alike.

by Sara Miles
Print and Kindle available



9898. Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers

Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples.

by J. D. Payne
Print and Kindle available



9999. Apostolic Centers

A seismic wave of revolution is about to shake our world, thanks to the emergence of apostolic centers. With the sage wisdom gained from developing his own church’s apostolic model, Alain Caron shares on how to transform today’s churches into dynamic training and sending centers.

by Alain Caron
Print and Kindle available



100100. It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It

When Craig Groeschel founded LifeChurch.tv, the congregation met in a borrowed two-car garage, with ratty furnishings and faulty audiovisual equipment. But people were drawn there, sensing a powerful, life-changing force Groeschel calls “It.”

by Craig Groeschel
Print and Kindle available




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