According to a recent poll by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 62% of adult web users watch videos on online sharing sites like YouTube, compared to 33% in December 2006. 89% of 18- to 29-year-old web users watch videos on video-sharing sites; 36% are likely to watch on a typical day.

What does this mean to you? It’s important in any organization to be where the people are. While you wouldn’t plant a Church in a place that was way off the beaten track, we often treat the web differently and post all our videos on our Church site where we expect people to move off the beaten track and find them. Consider creating your own YouTube, Vimeo or Tangle Channel and posting sermon videos and event videos where they are easily shared and seen by people just passing by.

Sharefaith has a Channel on YouTube, Vimeo and the Christian site Tangle where we are posting our Church videos in a low resolution format so they can be a witness to anyone as well as getting people to come to the Sharefaith website. Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can create your own channel.

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